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Jackdad | profile | all galleries >> Pooch >> OTHERPOOCH - EXTRAS AND STORIES >> Gallery 1: Pooch's holiday on the Isle of Skye 2008 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Gallery 1: Pooch's holiday on the Isle of Skye 2008

copyright 2004-8 all rights reserved
This gallery is now complete.
after a long walky
after a long walky
on the Broch
on the Broch
the sun comes out at the Broch
the sun comes out at the Broch
collecting deer ticks
collecting deer ticks
was that a rabbit?
was that a rabbit?
but Mum says it's THIS way!
but Mum says it's THIS way!
sheep sighted
sheep sighted
waiting for Dad to catch up!
waiting for Dad to catch up!
any seals out there?
any seals out there?
a chat to Dad
a chat to Dad
on the trail of the legendary Giant Rabbit of Greshornish
on the trail of the legendary Giant Rabbit of Greshornish
that post would be perfect if the fence wasn't in the way!
that post would be perfect if the fence wasn't in the way!
exploring the ruined cottage
exploring the ruined cottage
our favourite beach
our favourite beach
one alert pooch and one dithering dad
one alert pooch and one dithering dad
the point
the point
the last evening
the last evening
don't want to go home
don't want to go home