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Jackdad | all galleries >> Pooch >> OTHERPOOCH - EXTRAS AND STORIES >> Gallery 3: Pooch's Day Out on the Train > 26. A last look back before we head for home
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26. A last look back before we head for home

It's been a good day!

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/40s f/20.0 at 12.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 03-Apr-2009 03:13
I like the angle of this shot, I cant tell if the building is leaning. : ) v
nomadicdragon31-Mar-2009 20:52
What a lovely day for a trip.
Sheila30-Mar-2009 10:33
Love the blue sky and touches of red!
Yvonne30-Mar-2009 04:48
What a beautiful day for a train ride!
Al Chesworth29-Mar-2009 23:22
Can't get better than that Ev.
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