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Jackdad | all galleries >> Pooch >> OTHERPOOCH - EXTRAS AND STORIES >> Gallery 3: Pooch's Day Out on the Train > 24. A precarious perch
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24. A precarious perch

Shortly after this shot was taken, the waitress arrived with some very tasty sausage sandwiches
and Pooch managed to steal a sausage which mysteriously vanished in a flash!

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/125s f/5.6 at 21.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Michael Todd Thorpe05-Apr-2009 01:53
LOL! It doesn't take but a moment!
Chris31-Mar-2009 07:06
lol - Poor little sausage - he looks hungry. Chris
Ulla Inkeri Huhta30-Mar-2009 00:22
Way to go Pooch, they never learn!!
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