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Jackdad | all galleries >> Pooch >> OTHERPOOCH - EXTRAS AND STORIES >> Gallery 3: Pooch's Day Out on the Train > 10. Arrival in Keighley Station
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10. Arrival in Keighley Station

"I like that yellow paint" says Mum. "It's not yellow it's CREAM!" says Dad. "It looks yellow to me" says Mum.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/250s f/14.0 at 22.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Michael Todd Thorpe05-Apr-2009 01:47
Why do I hear this in my head with Monty Python voices?
Randu30-Mar-2009 13:22
Pooch, you are in my "Hometown"! WOW!
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