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woof! (PAD extras - 1st 3 years)

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camouflaged seeker of hares
camouflaged seeker of hares
the Great End-of-Holiday Sulk
the Great End-of-Holiday Sulk
on the cliff
on the cliff
unrepentant b*scuit thief
unrepentant b*scuit thief
sniffing a mole hill
sniffing a mole hill
stormy walky
stormy walky
the butt view
the butt view
frosty sniffing (untreated)
frosty sniffing (untreated)
peeping pooch
peeping pooch
all puffed out
all puffed out
go go go! II
go go go! II
Powers of persuasion
Powers of persuasion
flagpole 2
flagpole 2
a flattering pose
a flattering pose
haring aboutII
haring aboutII
water... the drink of football champions
water... the drink of football champions
start of the new football season 2
start of the new football season 2
start of the new football season 1
start of the new football season 1
where did it go?
where did it go?
a still of our pbase friend Joan's nursing home cat on telly!
a still of our pbase friend Joan's nursing home cat on telly!
quick lick
quick lick
five-year-old puppy ;-)
five-year-old puppy ;-)
bright hills
bright hills
eye contact
eye contact
tired out after playing with Pig
tired out after playing with Pig
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