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Mount Wilson Observatory Tour -- May 7, 2005

CHARA Telescope in Fog
CHARA Telescope in Fog
George Ellery Hale and Jenn
George Ellery Hale and Jenn
Hale in His Huachuca Astronomy Club Sweatshirt
Hale in His Huachuca Astronomy Club Sweatshirt
Tom in the 150 Foot Solar Tower Elevator
Tom in the 150 Foot Solar Tower Elevator
Tom in the 150 Foot Solar Tower Elevator
Tom in the 150 Foot Solar Tower Elevator
60 Foot Solar Tower Room
60 Foot Solar Tower Room
150 Foot Solar Tower Landing Net
150 Foot Solar Tower Landing Net
Snow Telescope Enclosure and Solar Towers
Snow Telescope Enclosure and Solar Towers
Mike Simmons at Snow Telescope, Mt. Wilson, CA, 2005
Mike Simmons at Snow Telescope, Mt. Wilson, CA, 2005
Mike and Michael Schwartz at Snow Telescope
Mike and Michael Schwartz at Snow Telescope
Jenn and Tom at Snow Telescope
Jenn and Tom at Snow Telescope
60 Dome
60" Dome
Telrad on 60
Telrad on 60"
4 Focuser on 60
4" Focuser on 60"
60 from Catwalk
60" from Catwalk
60 from Catwalk
60" from Catwalk
Drive and Slewing Gears for 60
Drive and Slewing Gears for 60"
Observing Logbook
Observing Logbook
CHARA 40 and 60 Dome
CHARA 40" and 60" Dome
100 Dome
100" Dome
Relays for 100
Relays for 100"
Touch This One and You'll Die
Touch This One and You'll Die
100 Coke Bottle Mirror
100" Coke Bottle Mirror
100: Note Telrad
100": Note Telrad
Jenn at 100 Hooker Telescope, Mt. Wilson, CA, 2005
Jenn at 100" Hooker Telescope, Mt. Wilson, CA, 2005
100 Heart of Clock Drive
100" Heart of Clock Drive
Snoopy at Salton Sea
Snoopy at Salton Sea
Snoopy on Dune
Snoopy on Dune
Jenn on Dune
Jenn on Dune