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Phil Douglis | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gallery Thirty Seven: As others see me tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Gallery Thirty Seven: As others see me

I don't usually make self portraits of myself. However in the course of my workshops and travels, my students and co-travelers have made images of me that express bits and pieces of who I am. It's fascinating to see myself through their eyes. And now you can, as well. Enjoy, and learn from their interpretations.

This gallery is presented in "blog" style. A large thumbnail is displayed for each image, along with a detailed caption explaining how I intended to express my ideas. If you click on the large thumbnail, you can see it in its full size, as well as leave comments and read the comments of others. I hope you will be able to participate in the dialogue. I welcome your comments, suggestions, ideas, and questions, and will be delighted to respond.