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Phil Douglis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gallery Eighty-eight: Exploring the historic back roads of the American Southwest > Apache stronghold, Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona, 2014
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Apache stronghold, Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona, 2014

The Chiricahua Apache, who once camped among these pinnacles, called them the “standing up rocks” because it was a place like no other – a magical kingdom of natural formations formed 27 million years ago when the Turkey Creek Volcano erupted, spewing ash over a thousand square miles. The heated ash melted together, forming layers of Rhyolite. Eons of weathering and erosion cracked these rocks into strange sculptures, herding them into a mass arrayed along the slope of an isolated mountain rising above a grassland sea. They comprise the most striking feature of this isolated national monument, which is located about two hours east of Tucson. In this landscape image, I offer a layered view of these formations. Huge boulders lead us to the sculpted rocks, while winter grass leads the eye to the distant mountains at the top of the frame.

FujiFilm X-M1
1/1100s f/22.0 at 101.2mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Phil Douglis21-Feb-2014 22:19
Glad you found this image of interest, Pete. It is a remarkable place, and I tried to express the illusion of depth by comparing near to far here. Thanks for coming to my gallery.
Pete Hemington21-Feb-2014 10:30
Wonderful location and magnificently presented in your accomplished image
Phil Douglis10-Feb-2014 20:45
Thanks, Stephanie, for coming to this image. It turned out to be one of my favorite landscapes found along these obscure roads. The late morning overhead light was quite challenging here, but the colors, incongruous rock formations, and the wide-angle interplay of rock and desert made it work.
Stephanie10-Feb-2014 09:24
Fascinating information and beautiful capture! V
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