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Peter Hollinger | all galleries >> [ Nature ] >> Flowers > 2005-01-12: Tillandsia aeranthos
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12-JAN-2005 Peter Hollinger

2005-01-12: Tillandsia aeranthos


Closeup of one inflorescense on my favorite epiphyte.
Click on the full views here:

My first experiment using two flashes:
580ex on the camera as master with
420ex slave shooting up from behind.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM
1/250s f/11.0 at 100.0mm iso400 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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coaster06-Mar-2006 05:20
Very nice.
Guest 02-Jun-2005 22:05
Superb - well done.
Guest 29-Apr-2005 19:29
Gorgeous! I am also enamored of these plants.Great image! Arvin Chaikin
Guest 14-Jan-2005 04:07
Oh, this is beautiful ... all my favorite colors.
Karen Leaf14-Jan-2005 03:55
Wow, it sure looks good from here. thanks for telling how... Very pretty flowers.
Shmuel Halevi13-Jan-2005 18:43
Excellent flower macro.
Herb 13-Jan-2005 14:12
Nice macro
Pepe Zyman13-Jan-2005 07:11
Very neat macro
Just Me 13-Jan-2005 06:53
Your experimentation worked ~ Xllnt macro, beautifully lit.
Coleen Perilloux Landry13-Jan-2005 05:04
Absolutely beautiful.
Gary Hebert13-Jan-2005 04:59
Beautiful colorful floral macro Peter.