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Peter Hollinger | all galleries >> [ Nature ] >> Flowers > Donna's Red Sunflower with Fly
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23-AUG-2003 Peter Hollinger

Donna's Red Sunflower with Fly

... now with larger 'original'.

Canon PowerShot G3
1/800s f/4.0 at 28.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Craig Artlett10-Jun-2007 03:16
It would have been a great photo without the fly but having the fly against the light part of the roof adds another level of detail. If it was an inch further forward or back it wouldn't have worked as well. Perfect timing and great shot.
Guest 16-Jun-2005 05:11
Outside of the ibeautiful sunflower itself, I love the composition of this image and the background the sunflower is set against....not to mention great DoF. As has been mentioned, the insect is icing on the cake...great capture!
Sylvain B.24-Jan-2005 05:17
Wonderful colors and perfect framing! Got my vote!
Jill03-Dec-2004 02:48
Linda Willets25-Oct-2004 04:44
Love sunflowers.. great Autumn colors.
Lisa21-Oct-2004 19:23
Beautiful image.
Guest 20-Oct-2004 00:15
Delicious colors! Nicely composed too.
Mattias Backström17-Oct-2004 10:41
Yes, the insect really adds something to an already great photo. It's fun when unexpected things like this happen. One of my friends accidentally caught a shoplifter on camera once while photographing her boyfriend. I don't know if they caught him, though, but the policemen were happy to get a photo of the thief.
Peter Hollinger16-Oct-2004 04:34
Thanks, Anna. The insect was a lucky catch!
Anna Yu16-Oct-2004 03:55
Lovely. The insect is a great detail.