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Oliver Knott | profile | all galleries >> Fish Tank's >> 7.500 Liter tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

7.500 Liter

Size: about 400cm long x 120cm high x 150cm wide
Volume: about 7.500 Liter
Lightning: 3 x 150 Watt HQI
Plants: different Microsorum and Anubia sorts
Fish: Malawi-Lake Cichlids

free counters

10th weeks after set up
10th weeks after set up
10th weeks after set up
10th weeks after set up
10th weeks after set up
10th weeks after set up
10th weeks after set up
10th weeks after set up
10th weeks after set up
10th weeks after set up
Customer's main attraction - tame Iguana iguana
Customer's main attraction - tame Iguana iguana
Customer's main attraction - tame Iguana iguana
Customer's main attraction - tame Iguana iguana