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Oliver Knott | profile | all galleries >> Fish Tank's >> "Malawi Sunken Trees" by Oliver Knott tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

"Malawi Sunken Trees" by Oliver Knott

Location: Kölle-Zoo Weiterstadt
Size: 200cm x 67cm x 60cm
Volume: 615 Liter
Lighnting: 2 x 54 Watt T5 / 2 x 150 Watt HQI
Lighnting time: 10 hours
Temperature: 25 C°
Waterchange: Every week 30 %
Set up: Oliver Knott
Maintain: Oliver Knott and Mike Zimmermann

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Malawi Sunken Trees by Oliver Knott
"Malawi Sunken Trees" by Oliver Knott
Malawi Sunken Trees by Oliver Knott
"Malawi Sunken Trees" by Oliver Knott
Malawi Sunken Trees by Oliver Knott
"Malawi Sunken Trees" by Oliver Knott
Malawi Sunken Trees by Oliver Knott
"Malawi Sunken Trees" by Oliver Knott
Malawi Sunken Trees by Oliver Knott
"Malawi Sunken Trees" by Oliver Knott
Malawi Sunken Trees by Oliver Knott
"Malawi Sunken Trees" by Oliver Knott
Malawi Sunken Trees by Oliver Knott
"Malawi Sunken Trees" by Oliver Knott
Malawi Sunken Trees by Oliver Knott
"Malawi Sunken Trees" by Oliver Knott
Malawi Sunken Trees by Oliver Knott
"Malawi Sunken Trees" by Oliver Knott
Malawi Sunken Trees by Oliver Knott
"Malawi Sunken Trees" by Oliver Knott
Malawi Sunken Trees by Oliver Knott
"Malawi Sunken Trees" by Oliver Knott