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Oliver Knott | profile | all galleries >> Fish Tank's >> 1.200 Liter tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

1.200 Liter

"The Bone Tank"
Size: 200cm x 87cm(H)x 74cm
volume: about 1.200 Liter

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04.01.2006 - Change the artificial plants into life aquatic plants
04.01.2006 - Change the artificial plants into "life" aquatic plants
Malawi-Lake Cichlid`s
Malawi-Lake Cichlid`s
Malawi-Lake Cichlid`s
Malawi-Lake Cichlid`s
Malawi-Lake Cichlid`s
Malawi-Lake Cichlid`s
Malawi-Lake Cichlid`s
Malawi-Lake Cichlid`s
Malawi-Lake Cichlid`s
Malawi-Lake Cichlid`s
Malawi-Lake Cichlid`s
Malawi-Lake Cichlid`s
Malawi-Lake Cichlid`s
Malawi-Lake Cichlid`s
Add some artificial plants after few months.
Add some artificial plants after few months.
Add some artificial plants after few months.
Add some artificial plants after few months.
Add some artificial plants after few months.
Add some artificial plants after few months.
04.01.2006 - Change the artificial plants into life aquatic plants
04.01.2006 - Change the artificial plants into "life" aquatic plants
04.01.2006 - Change the artificial plants into life aquatic plants
04.01.2006 - Change the artificial plants into "life" aquatic plants
04.01.2006 - Change the artificial plants into life aquatic plants
04.01.2006 - Change the artificial plants into "life" aquatic plants
04.01.2006 - Change the artificial plants into life aquatic plants
04.01.2006 - Change the artificial plants into "life" aquatic plants
04.01.2006 - Change the artificial plants into life aquatic plants
04.01.2006 - Change the artificial plants into "life" aquatic plants