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Oliver Knott | profile | all galleries >> Fish Tank's >> 3600 Liter tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

3600 Liter

18.01.2006: After 3 month experience with artificial plants, I decide to change it into real aquatic plants. No artifical plant can take the place of a nice real plant. In my opinion.

Regards, Oliver Knott

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3 month later - no with real aquatic plants
3 month later - no with real aquatic plants
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
Malawi Showtank
3 month later - no with real aquatic plants
3 month later - no with real aquatic plants
3 month later - no with real aquatic plants
3 month later - no with real aquatic plants
3 month later - no with real aquatic plants
3 month later - no with real aquatic plants
3 month later - no with real aquatic plants
3 month later - no with real aquatic plants
3 month later - no with real aquatic plants
3 month later - no with real aquatic plants