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Oliver Knott | profile | all galleries >> Small Tank's: 30 - 100 Liter >> 60 liter Cube - The Hobbit theme tank by Oliver Knott - NEW tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

60 liter Cube - The Hobbit theme tank by Oliver Knott - NEW

60 liter Cube - The Hobbit theme tank by Oliver Knott - NEW

Set up: 01.11.2012
Location: Koelle-Zoo Heidelberg (Germany)
Tank: 38cm x 38cm x 43cm (high) Cube by Dennerle
Volume: about 60 liter
Plants: Heminathus Cuba, Utricularia graminifolia, Proserpinaca palustris
Stone: Seiyru Stones
Bottom: Active Soil
Light: 3 x 9 Watt / 1 x 11 Watt (at the moment, later more)
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW
60 liter Cube - The Hobbit Theme Tank by Oliver Knott - NEW