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Oliver Knott | profile | all galleries >> Small Tank's: 30 - 100 Liter >> 60 Liter Easy Shrimp Tank by Oliver Knott tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

60 Liter Easy Shrimp Tank by Oliver Knott

Location: Kölle-Zoo Weiterstadt
Size: 57cm x 35cm x 30cm (Original Tetra AquaArt)
Volume: 60 Liter
Lighnting: 15 Watt T8
Lighnting time: 10 hours
Temperature: 25 C°
Water hardness: KH 6 / TH 9
Waterchange: Every week 50%
CO2: Bio-CO2 Dennerle (1 bottle)
Gravel: Black gravel Dennerle
Decoration: Mini landscapes
Plants: Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae, Marsilea hirsuta
Fish: Otocinlcus negro
Invertebrate: Crystal Red shrimps, Neritina natalensis
Set up: Oliver Knott
Maintain: Oliver Knott and Mike Zimmermann

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1 year and 3 months after set up
1 year and 3 months after set up
1 year and 3 months after set up
1 year and 3 months after set up
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3 months after set up
3 months after set up
3 months after set up
3 months after set up
3 months after set up
3 months after set up
3 months after set up
3 months after set up
3 months after set up
3 months after set up
3 months after set up
3 months after set up