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Oliver Knott | profile | all galleries >> Fish Tank's >> 5400 Liter Malawi Lake Tank by Oliver Knott tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

5400 Liter Malawi Lake Tank by Oliver Knott

Location: Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Size: 450cm (L) x 100cm (H) x 120cm (W) (14,85 feet (L) x 3,30 feet (H) x 3,96 feet (W))
Volume: 5.400 Liter (1.427 gallons)
Lightning: T5 (4 x 80 Watt, 2 x 24 Watt, 6 x 39 Watt, 2 x 54 Watt) Daylight Dennerle mixed with Hybrid Marine T5 by Arcadia
Temperatur: 26 C°
PH: 7,6
KH: 8-9
Plants: Cryptocoryne aponogetifolia
Fish: Malawi Lake Mix
Layout and set up: Oliver Knott
Decoration: "Giant Rocks" by Oliver Knott/Back to Nature
mixed with decoration made by Francois Bueb (France) Bueb Painting

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Giant Rock Layout by Oliver Knott
"Giant Rock" Layout by Oliver Knott
Giant Rock Layout by Oliver Knott
"Giant Rock" Layout by Oliver Knott
Giant Rock Layout by Oliver Knott
"Giant Rock" Layout by Oliver Knott
Giant Rock Layout by Oliver Knott
"Giant Rock" Layout by Oliver Knott
Giant Rock Layout by Oliver Knott
"Giant Rock" Layout by Oliver Knott
Giant Rock Layout by Oliver Knott
"Giant Rock" Layout by Oliver Knott
Giant Rock Layout by Oliver Knott
"Giant Rock" Layout by Oliver Knott
Giant Rock Layout by Oliver Knott
"Giant Rock" Layout by Oliver Knott