Location: Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe Size: 450cm (L) x 100cm (H) x 120cm (W) (14,85 feet (L) x 3,30 feet (H) x 3,96 feet (W))
Volume: 5.400 Liter (1.427 gallons)
Lightning: T5 (4 x 80 Watt, 2 x 24 Watt, 6 x 39 Watt, 2 x 54 Watt) Daylight Dennerle mixed with Hybrid Marine T5 by Arcadia
Temperatur: 26 C°
PH: 7,6
KH: 8-9
Plants: Cryptocoryne aponogetifolia
Fish: Malawi Lake Mix
Layout and set up: Oliver Knott
Decoration: "Giant Rocks" by Oliver Knott/Back to Nature
mixed with decoration made by Francois Bueb (France) Bueb Painting