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Just Waiting For Snow...

Saw these while out the other day.

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Jola Dziubinska28-Dec-2011 16:35
Such a cute scene :)
Guest 23-Dec-2011 23:14
I guess it is not too late to plant those tulip bulbs afterall ;)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.
Guest 23-Dec-2011 22:04
I guess it is not too late to plant those tulip bulbs afterall ;)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.
Bryan Murahashi22-Dec-2011 06:16
Fabulous Winters display. Pretty dry out here as well. V
Ed Preston22-Dec-2011 04:29
Few more white ribbons and it will look like snow! I have real mixed emotions about this, shovel - don't have to shovel etc. I'd like a white Christmas but..... nicely spotted Patti!
J. Scott Coile21-Dec-2011 02:03
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)20-Dec-2011 22:40
Come on down….we just got hit pretty good.
larose forest photos20-Dec-2011 20:04
A festive display for sure!
Tom Munson20-Dec-2011 15:42
Great find and image!
January Grey20-Dec-2011 04:25
Laughable! They're really anxious! Nice find...great shot!
Jean D19-Dec-2011 22:26
I may have to get my lawnmower out if snow doesn't
come soon!! Sure looks like we are in for a green Christmas.
Peter Stahl19-Dec-2011 19:42
Beautifully decorated. Where also waiting for snow. Looks like a brown Christmas here which is rare.
Coleen Perilloux Landry19-Dec-2011 02:55
Do you want snow? Gives a great ambiance.
Cindi Smith19-Dec-2011 02:46
That's all ya need. Sleigh is just waiting. :)
Steve Mockford19-Dec-2011 00:20
Like here in Nova Scotia, it all seems a little odd without the snow as a backdrop.
Guest 18-Dec-2011 23:25
Be careful what you wish for ... you may just get it, in spades!
Mairéad18-Dec-2011 22:05
They make very pretty decorations in the meantime,
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