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I've got a real puzzle for you, but its a real long shot and you probably won't be able to help me!! I have attached a picture and I am trying to identify where it might be. I am thinking it is Holland somewhere. It could be around S'Hertogenbosch or Deuteren or Limbourg. You took us to St Jan's church in s'Hertogenbosch and I don't think the Church looks like that (I've still got the pamphlet from our visit).
This picture is an old painting done on a piece of wood. It used to be in my grandparents old home in s'Hertogenbosch. On the back of the wood are holes that were made by German shrapnel during the war. For some reason Oma and Opa brought the painting with them from Holland and now my Uncle has it in Christchurch. I don't know if it was painted by someone in the family, or who it was painted by, but I wondered if you or Flipco might recognise the buildings in he picture at all.