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Pieter Bos | profile | all galleries >> The Netherlands >> Noord-Holland >> Other locations tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Other locations

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Fusion architecture
Fusion architecture
Modern offices in old sugar silos
Modern offices in old sugar silos
Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier
Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier
De Groote Molen
De Groote Molen
Stolpboerderij (Stolp Farm)
Stolpboerderij (Stolp Farm)
Shopping Center Broekerveiling
Shopping Center Broekerveiling
Windmill De Groenvelder
Windmill "De Groenvelder"
Bibliotheek/Cultuurhoek (Library)
Bibliotheek/Cultuurhoek (Library)
Mennonite church and its miniature (mailbox)
Mennonite church and its miniature (mailbox)
Train Station (1887)
Train Station (1887)
Bibliotheek & Cultuurhoek (Library & Culture Corner)
Bibliotheek & Cultuurhoek (Library & Culture Corner)
Rural village
Rural village
St. Jan de Doper (St. John the Baptist)
St. Jan de Doper (St. John the Baptist)
Train Station
Train Station
Decoration in the shopping center
Decoration in the shopping center
Train Station (1887)
Train Station (1887)
St. Jan de Doper (St. John the Baptist)
St. Jan de Doper (St. John the Baptist)
Shopping Center Broekerveiling
Shopping Center Broekerveiling
City Hall Medemblik
City Hall Medemblik
Johan the tiny meadow mill
"Johan" the tiny meadow mill
Façade shopping center
Façade shopping center
Beyond Matter
"Beyond Matter"
De Oude Stiek
De Oude Stiek
House and Martinuskerk
House and Martinuskerk
 Polder mill De Lage Hoek
Polder mill "De Lage Hoek"
Interior architecture
Interior architecture
Bell Jar Farm
Bell Jar Farm