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RRW Metis Rendezvous 2006

Metis Flag
Metis Flag
Metis Tipi
Metis Tipi
Metis Tent
Metis Tent
Metis Tent
Metis Tent
Bear Skull Lodge Adornments
"Bear Skull" Lodge Adornments
Red River Cart
Red River Cart
Red River Cart
Red River Cart
Hudson Bay Company Flag
Hudson Bay Company Flag
Metis Infinity Symbol
Metis Infinity Symbol
Beaded Earring
Beaded Earring
Margaret Sloan - Elder
Margaret Sloan - Elder
Mabel Kelly - Elder
Mabel Kelly - Elder
Period Characters
:: Period Characters ::
The Band
:: The Band ::
Metis Dancers
:: Metis Dancers ::
Hawk and Knife
:: Hawk and Knife ::
Metis Future
:: Metis Future ::
Heart of the Kitchen
:: Heart of the Kitchen ::
:: Others ::