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Guest 03-Oct-2007 15:15
I'm a big fan of yours. I've been following your work for quite some time now. Truly impressive in every way!! Go Mark!
Pawel Kazmierczyk31-May-2007 08:33
Hello Mark. Great gallery - good photogrpahy, great design aspect too. Congratulations and welcome to pbase !
Guest 22-May-2007 23:01
welcome to pbase Mark. We joined a year ago and are really enjoying the way you can share your beautiful images with the world. You have a great set of galleries with some amazing photos. We'll be sure to stop back and check how your progress is coming.
Peter Robertson22-May-2007 22:28
Very strong set of images. Keep them coming.
Cheers, Pete
Jeroen Bosman22-May-2007 21:38
Hi Mark, welocme to Pbase (I'm a relative newcomer myself). What I see in your galleries is very promising. Keep shooting! Best, Jeroen
Guest 22-May-2007 12:01
Really nice shots, keep up the good work!