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Dennis Swayze | profile | all galleries >> Manitoba Peregrines 2006-2022 >> Peregrines 2018 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Peregrines 2018

First bird returns seen at the Radisson Hotel March 17th. at 12:35...seen by EyeSpy doing what EyeSpy does.Confirmed that Hart is/was the First Bird back.
Second bird at the Radisson March 18th...appears to be a un-banded female.
Confirmed March 30th Faith has returned and hanging out with Hart at Logan
Confirmed April 12th. that Princess & Pip are back at the Radisson.
Appears a male has returned to West Wpg and likely confirmed.
Confirmed April 8th Sol has returned...Confirmed Hurricane has returned April 15th to McKenzie Seeds.
Ella (Brandon 2015) showed up at West Wpg...confirmed.