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Mike Briggs | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Mike Briggs
Name Mike Briggs (joined 26-Oct-2001) (pbase supporter)
Username photogrif
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Location United States
United States
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View Galleries : Mike Briggs has 79 galleries and 4167 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 967417 times.

View Guestbook : 13 messages. Most recent on 03-Jul-2010.

Message from Mike Briggs
57/M from Western Pa., into photography for 40+ years (Wow, am I THAT old now?). Started with Nikon FM 35mm, and after on and off interest over the years got back into photography with digital. First digital camera was the Olympus D-460Z then stepped up after a year to the Olympus C-2100UZ. Bought a second C-2100UZ, and also an E-100RS. May 2005 I got a Nikon D-70, my dream camera, at THAT time ;) In 2011 I bought a Nikon D-7000 and then some new pro glass. In 2014 bought a used D3s. Hope you enjoy the photos and I hope to be able to continue to add new photos to the galleries. Lately been doing a lot of bicycling events, but have been posting them on my Facebook page so that people can tag themselves. Hoping to make it to a zoo or do more creative stuff that I will post here. 2017 the D-7000's shutter gave up, so I bought a D500. UPDATE - I hadn't been keeping up with this very well, but am using a D850 and D5 along with the D500. Have been posting on Facebook and Smugmug.
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