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Wrentham Postcard Gallery - Wrentham, MA

Postcards and other images of Wrentham, MA (and a few surrounding towns)from years gone by. Click on each card to enlarge. Enjoy your visit. Scroll down to choose the size in which you would like to view the image. Many make a great background/screensaver in the "original" setting. To contact webmaster:
Visit Gog Woodham's gallery of historic Wrentham photos at ..
Visit the Norfolk History page at...
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Bank, Post Office and Town Hall
Bank, Post Office and Town Hall
Summer Colony - Lake Archer
Summer Colony - Lake Archer
Wrentham Square
Wrentham Square
The Square with Trolley
The Square with Trolley
Pondville Hospital
Pondville Hospital
Neptune Canoe Club - Lake Pearl
Neptune Canoe Club - Lake Pearl
Jordan Marsh Home - East Street
Jordan Marsh Home - East Street
Wrentham Railroad Station
Wrentham Railroad Station
Looking down Kendrick Street
Looking down Kendrick Street
King Philip Regional High School
King Philip Regional High School
Wrentham Square
Wrentham Square
Wrentham's First Train
Wrentham's First Train
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