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photogallery | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> CAMP CEDARCREST in GREEN HARBOR, MA tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


NEW!! Nov. 2017 - the photos from page 2 and on contributed by Diane Zawacki THANKS!! sorry for the repeats) Formerly known as the Immaculate Conception Camp. This Camp was located just east of the Winslow House on Rt. 139 where the Gotham Hill neighborhood is today. "As I recall, it was owned by Fr. Obrien from the Immaculate Conception Church in Everett. It operated as a summer camp for mostly local city kids. That parish had a school, grades 1 through 8, about 300 kids. So there was a ready customer base. That school has fallen onhard times recently. The portion that was visible from 139 was the boys part. Over the hill was the girls part. Most who went stayed for two weeks. It was really popular with the kids in the fifties and sixties, but then got sold and subdivided in the seventies I think. I am not sure if Fr. Obrien passed away and his estate sold it, or if he did for some reason or another." (comments from Goodguy) The camp was originally the Immaculate Conception Boys Brigade. It was owned by a trust controlled by the Immaculate Conception Parish in Everett and started by Monsignor Hartigan. The original camp was along Careswell St. After a few years Monsignor purchased 2 other camps on top of the hill and combined them into Camp Cedar Crest. The other camps were Camp Malden and Camp Melrose. The girls camp and Monsignors house were located on top of the hill. The boys camp and dining hall were located at the bottom of the hill. In 1971, Monsignor decided to close the camp and the trust sold it for a subdivision. Several of the houses in the subdivision were originally camp buildings which were renovated. My grandfather was one of the founding trustees of the camp and was one until he died. My uncle built the houses in the subdivision. Information contributed by Stephen De Castro ........(from Wiki) ... The original name for Cedar Crest was Gotham Hill. In the 1920s 3 seasonal children's camps were created on the west end of the hill. The Immaculate Conception Boys Brigade, under the direction of Monsignor Edward M. Hartigan from the Immaculate Conception Church in Everett, MA, bought out the other 2 camps and created 1 camp. At the time the hill did not have any trees since it had been farmland for a number of years. There was a growth of small cedar trees on the top of the hill. This inspired Monsignor Hartigan to name the combined camps "Cedar Crest" and the name was emblazoned on the side of the hill in white painted stones. Ever since, the entire hill (and this section of town) has been called Cedar Crest. All of the original comments can still be seen on the main photo gallery page. Please leave new comments here, however!
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Rosemary O'Brien.jpg
Rosemary O'Brien.jpg
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Roy & Jean (2).jpg
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1970 Carol Camp Cedar Crest.jpg
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1970 Carol at Field Day.jpg
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Field Day.jpg
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Roy & Jean, Joan & David (2).jpg
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Roy & Jean, Me, Joan & David.jpg
Kevin Gordon & Billy Dunne 1970.jpg
Kevin Gordon & Billy Dunne 1970.jpg
Roy Butler 1970.jpg
Roy Butler 1970.jpg
Me & Dee (2) 1970.jpg
Me & Dee (2) 1970.jpg
Camp Cedar Crest 1972 (5).jpg
Camp Cedar Crest 1972 (5).jpg
Me & Dee 1970 Waltz.jpg
Me & Dee 1970 Waltz.jpg
Camp Cedar Crest 1972 (6).jpg
Camp Cedar Crest 1972 (6).jpg
Camp Cedar Crest 1972 (7).jpg
Camp Cedar Crest 1972 (7).jpg
Vinny Bucca Summer 69.jpg
Vinny Bucca Summer 69.jpg
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