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Douglas Stucky | all galleries >> Galleries >> Brian >> Brian 2007 > The day after surgery...
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The day after surgery...

...the tumors in his mandible and right cheek had to be reduced. Surgery was Tuesday the 26th and we were released the following day. The right side of his face is pretty swollen and will be for a couple of days. Hopefully, he only has one more surgery this year. He could use a break!

Canon PowerShot Pro 1
1/2s f/5.6 at 20.0mm full exif

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Buz Kiefer04-Jul-2007 17:54
He looks very strong Doug. My prayers go out for you and your family.
Richard Vance30-Jun-2007 23:18
I hope he's doing well after that last surgery, Doug. My best wishes and prayers to you and your family.
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik29-Jun-2007 03:51
Hi Brian, Hope the swelling is down and you're feeling better! Regards from NYC Sandy&Lloyd
Guest 29-Jun-2007 02:57
yes, he has been through much... maybe he'll get a chance for some fun now! Our prayers are with you all.
s_barbour28-Jun-2007 13:00
Great shot of Brian, he is such a brave young man. He has already been through so much in his young life, I hope he gets a break too! How is he doing these days Doug?