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Douglas Stucky | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds > IMG_7597cropeditir.jpg
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Canon EOS 350D
1/500s f/6.3 at 155.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Apostolos Tikopoulos10-Jun-2007 15:51
My compliments for this capturre. V.
Guest 14-Apr-2007 12:57
Nice capture... V
Yiannis Pavlis17-Mar-2007 14:05
Congrats on such a wonderful image! Excellent work. v.
Bryan Ramsay30-Jan-2007 01:49
OBTW Vote! -BJ
Bryan Ramsay30-Jan-2007 01:49
Great catch!! Superb detail in the eyes!! -BJ
s_barbour14-Jan-2007 19:08
Fantastic job with the panning Doug! vote~
Nicki Thurgar14-Jan-2007 17:53
Great catch!
J. Scott Coile14-Jan-2007 17:15