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marie's Recent Galleries

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13-Apr-2021 14:48
 trees branching out
::  trees branching out ::
11-Mar-2021 01:24
water ..sea,   river, yachts /boats ..canals .. ships.. waterfall
:: water ..sea, river, yachts /boats ..canals .. ships.. waterfall ::
24-Dec-2020 19:40
 all  reasons for the seasons
::  all reasons for the seasons ::
22-Dec-2020 01:51
:: workers___and_sports ::
03-Sep-2020 20:02
people  in places
:: people in places ::
03-Sep-2020 00:44
 painting and other small effects _ people   pictures
::  painting and other small effects _ people pictures ::
03-Sep-2020 00:38
among people
:: among people ::
01-Sep-2020 23:25
:: miscellaneous ::
23-Nov-2017 01:12
::  smilies ::