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Lake Bled -L


Early morning Lake Bled's calm water reflects the images of Bled Castle and nearby St. Martin Church.
Snow capped Julian Alps mountain ridge can be seen in the far background.
Bled, Slovenia.

Sony α6000
1/160s f/11.0 at 16.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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George McCarten13-Jul-2019 23:40
Likewise, I prefer this version. You have just given me an idea, and that is to photograph a landscape, and immediately bring it up on a large computer screen. Then I would compare it to what is in front of my eyes, and make the necessary adjustments, if necessary.
janescottcumming07-Jul-2019 12:59
So pretty! I would love to visit here. V
Dan Greenberg06-Jul-2019 14:51
Dov, I like this version better regarding the colors. The other is nice, but the green color cast does not appeal to me as much. I love the composition and view of both. ~BV~
Guest 06-Jul-2019 08:28
This is a crisp, wonderful picture. Better than bought postcards.