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Phillip Normanton | all galleries >> Galleries >> Horseplay > 20080506 - Coo-rious
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20080506 - Coo-rious

Ok, so it's not a horse. Friendly though :)

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM
1/640s f/2.5 at 135.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
GaleriaFotoStefan31-May-2012 17:17
good title for these photo! V
Jason Anderson26-May-2008 11:39
Funny lookin' hoss. With great backlighting :o)
Denise J. Johnson14-May-2008 14:14
Is this one of your whitish relatives? :) Great shot! Love the eyes and the greenish tinge of leaves is excellent. I'll even give you a big vote!
Pat Shawyer14-May-2008 06:16
lovely Phillip !
Sheila14-May-2008 02:01
Lovely backlight. A very nice portrait!
laine8213-May-2008 22:45
Can't wait to hear what JW says about this Coo being in an Orse gallery. it does look friendly.
Guest 13-May-2008 22:42
A horse of a cow LOL Great hu-mooooour :) V
Máire Uí Mhaicín13-May-2008 21:55
Looking lugubriously into your lovely lens. Great shot, Phillip!
Mairéad13-May-2008 21:52
Beautiful. I love cows. She looks pretty enough to be a model:)
Ann...13-May-2008 21:52
Awwww! you made a friend!!!!