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Phil | profile | all galleries >> Two Weeks in Czech Republic >> Sazava tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


A small town about an hour South East of Praha. The river Sazava flows through
it and joins the Vlatava
Crossing the bridge approaching Sazava in the early morning light the Sazava at dawn the pond Sazava
Sazava the sun rises at Sazava Ancient structures in Sazava Main Street in Sazava
Ancient Structures in Sazava Uncovering beauty more uncovered art Sazava
Wall repairs needed Fence Dawn on the Sazava
Floating in a world of green dragonfly o6/19/247019/1/100006301.FjgXcWOu._DSF2801_600.jpg Sazava
Sazava arches and walls Apartment life walls
walls and new growth monastry grounds _DSF2729a-900.jpg _DSF2765-900.jpg
U Klastera - Sazava masonary wall wall and windows
dawn on the Sazava