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Patrick Herms Photography | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> ORDER PRINTS tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


1. In the chosen gallery, just click on the imgae(s) you're interested in.
2. Copy the URL of the image or the name and Gallery it's in and place it in an email here (
3. Be sure to include the quantity, size, black or white matting, framed or unframed.

Size and Prices

12x18" print w/ 22x28" matting - $150 Framed - $250
11x14" print w/ 16x20" matting - $60 Framed - $95
8x10" print w/ 11x14" matting - $30 Framed - $60

4. You will then be contacted for credit card information and shipping address.

Note: All orders are ready within 5 - 7 business days. I offer a free delivery in San Francisco.
I ship UPS within the United States. Shipping & handling fees $ 10 - $ 55 depending on the image size ordered.
Please note, sales tax of 8.5% applies to all orders shipped or delivered in CA.

Coppola's Copper Building