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Patrick Herms Photography | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> KIDS LOVE CAMERAS tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


GIVE Kids Love Cameras is a project which allows people to donate their working new or used digital cameras to kids in the Bay Area and around the world. Kids who receive these cameras are from marginalized communities who may otherwise never have the chance to use a camera. Youth receiving these cameras will also participate in photography workshops provided by the Kids Love Cameras project. With your help, we hope to provide the opportunity for kids to visually express their unique story through the art of photography.

RECEIVE Websites will be designed for kids to share their artwork with youth from other communities around the world and also with you the donator. Creating a kind of virtual pen-pal network, kids will feel empowered by sharing their art with their peers as well as the person(s) who gave them the opportunity.

RECYCLE Get rid of your old equipment and give a special gift to children who may otherwise never have the chance to pick up a camera. This is the ultimate in recycling and is a special chance to make a difference and teach kids the importance of sharing and reuse.


Send your working digital camera, batteries/charger, USB cable and manual if possible to:
Kids Love Cameras
424 Pierce Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
(Include your email so the kids can share their photographs with you!)

For more information email or call: (415) 571-0209
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KidsLoveCamerasBannerImage.jpg KidsLoveCameras en El Salvador
KidsLoveCameras en El Salvador
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