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Ecuador | Iguazu Falls | Uruguay | Argentina


Montevideo - Page 1 and Colonia - Page 2
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Plaza Cagancha
Plaza Cagancha
Plaza Fabini
Plaza Fabini
Av 18 de Julio
Av 18 de Julio
More on Av 18 de Julio
More on Av 18 de Julio
Along Avenida 18 de Julio
Along Avenida 18 de Julio
Palacio Salvo & Jose Artigas Statue
Palacio Salvo & Jose Artigas Statue
Quite the selection
Quite the selection
Plaza Independencia
Plaza Independencia
Canadian Embassy
Canadian Embassy
Drinking Yerba Mate
Drinking Yerba Mate
Strumming along
Strumming along
Palacio Legislativo
Palacio Legislativo
Palacio Legislativo
Palacio Legislativo
Now that's a ceiling!
Now that's a ceiling!
President's neighbour
President's neighbour
Seaman monument
Seaman monument
Parakeet nest
Parakeet nest
Plaza Constitución Fountain
Plaza Constitución Fountain
Mercado del Puerto
Mercado del Puerto
Mercado del Puerto
Mercado del Puerto
Grilled meat!
Grilled meat!
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