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Pete Ganzel | profile | all galleries >> Tinkering >> Sony A100, A700 Maxxum 5D, 7D AF Adjustment tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sony A100, A700 Maxxum 5D, 7D AF Adjustment

General Adjustment information for Sony Minolta AF Systems
Adjustments are in four steps. Front to back adjustment, AF area, AF Pitch/Yaw and EZ check for individual focus areas. Individual focus area adjustments are done entirely in software diagnostics and are written to the cameras ROM.

Some of the first photos in this gallery are of a Maxxum 300si, but the principles involved are identical. The Maxxum Dynax 7D of course has a much more complicated multi AF area sensor.
300si Focus Mirror Adjust3645.jpg
300si Focus Mirror Adjust3645.jpg
300si PICT3612.jpg
300si PICT3612.jpg
300si Primary Mirror Adjust 3648.jpg
300si Primary Mirror Adjust 3648.jpg
300si Sensor Assem Bot3651.jpg
300si Sensor Assem Bot3651.jpg
300si Lens Assembly3659.jpg
300si Lens Assembly3659.jpg
300si Sensor Assem Conn3652.jpg
300si Sensor Assem Conn3652.jpg
300si Sensor3654.jpg
300si Sensor3654.jpg
7D AF Area Adj-r.jpg
7D AF Area Adj-r.jpg
7D AF Pitch Yaw Adj-r.jpg
7D AF Pitch Yaw Adj-r.jpg
Maxxum 7D AF Pitch Yaw Adjustment Screws
Maxxum 7D AF Pitch Yaw Adjustment Screws
7D AF EZ Check Adj1-r.jpg
7D AF EZ Check Adj1-r.jpg
7D AF EZ Adjustment-r.jpg
7D AF EZ Adjustment-r.jpg
7D AF Sensor Lens-Mirror Module 1602.jpg
7D AF Sensor Lens-Mirror Module 1602.jpg
7D AF Sensor 1598.jpg
7D AF Sensor 1598.jpg
7D AF Path 5665.jpg
7D AF Path 5665.jpg
7D Mirror Box 5667.jpg
7D Mirror Box 5667.jpg
Af Sensors 2807.jpg
Af Sensors 2807.jpg
AF adjustII.bmp
AF adjustII.bmp
Sony Alpha AF Adjustment
Sony Alpha AF Adjustment