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Pete Ganzel | all galleries >> Tinkering >> Dissasembly and Repair of Minolta Maxxum AF 50mm f/1.7 and f/1.4 Lenses > Inserting Iris 2862.jpg
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Inserting Iris 2862.jpg

Assembled iris is carefully guided into lens vertically with the lens upside down.
The iris pin must engage the fork in the aperture linkage.
Insert the pin into the curved slot, the fork is on one side.
Turn the lens over and wiggle the iris a little to seat.
While holding the iris in place, move the aperture lever on the other side
and check for smooth operation.
The iris should snap back closed smoothly when the actuator is released.

Minolta DiMAGE 7
1/30s f/9.5 at 50.5mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Andy 22-Oct-2009 21:14
Thanks a million!
The old saying has proven true again: It is easier to take things apart than to put them together...