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Pete Ganzel | all galleries >> Tinkering >> A Digital View Camera Using The Maxxum 7D and Scheimpflug Principle > First Prototype Lens Board Rear 2725.jpg
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First Prototype Lens Board Rear 2725.jpg

Rear of lensboard showing mounting of Mamiya 645 lensmount salvaged from a discarded camera.
The excellent Mamiya Sekor 645 lenses have an image circle of around 65mm, providing plenty of room for camera movements.

Three overlapped exposures with the APS sensor and the 35mm Mamiya wide angle lens will be equivalent to an 18mm lens on a 35mm full frame camera.

Mock up base block is cut out to provide depth for falling lensboard and a camera platform.

Minolta DiMAGE 7
1/30s f/5.6 at 18.3mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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