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Pete Ganzel | all galleries >> Tinkering >> equipment_photos_and_tests >> Samigon Spiratone Soligor Kenko Kalcor 180 Fisheye Auxillary Lens Maxxum 7D Alpha Sony > Samigon Cap 2482.jpg
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Samigon Cap 2482.jpg

Minolta DiMAGE 7
1/60s f/5.6 at 49.5mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Pete Ganzel30-Apr-2009 23:17

These lenses are front-of-the-lens wide angle converters so can be used with any lens with a filter thread. A series VII threaded adapter is used for the filter of the lens.
Best lenses to use are "normal" 50mm lenses and moderate medium focal length zooms slower than f/3.5.
sau 30-Apr-2009 04:24
Can samigon spiratone soligor kenko kalcor 180 fisheyes auxillary fix in nikon camera?