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Pete Ganzel | all galleries >> Tinkering >> equipment_photos_and_tests >> Samigon Spiratone Soligor Kenko Kalcor 180 Fisheye Auxillary Lens Maxxum 7D Alpha Sony > Samigon 2475.jpg 180 auxillary fisheye lens
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Samigon 2475.jpg 180 auxillary fisheye lens

Samigon 180 degree fisheye auxillary lens on Maxxum 7D
Shown with 49mm series VII adapter and f/1.4 50mm lens.
Nearly identical lenses are also labled Soligor and Kenko.
Probably all made by Soligor.

Minolta DiMAGE 7
1/45s f/5.6 at 22.9mm iso100 full exif

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pasq 22-Sep-2008 13:13
hi pete, i have the same cam, but mine is called dynax 7d ;)
i love this cam and i love this 50mm 1.7 too,
i started to make some pinholes with it, nice to meet a site like that with all this informations about it.
so i am not the only 7d user making "strange" stuff with lenses :D

i thought about a wideangle converter for this lens too because i never found a fisheye with 1.7. how are the results?

(sorry for my bad english, greets from italy, pasq)