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Pete Ganzel | all galleries >> Tinkering >> macro_focusing_helicoids > Modded Vivitar side 0552.jpg
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Modded Vivitar side 0552.jpg

Canon FD Vivitar Macro focusing teleconverter modified as a focusing helicoid.
Front and rear mounts were removed and replaced with T mount ring at back and M42 thread at front.
High quality 7 element teleconverter assembly (made by Kiron) is remplaceable into helicoid body.
Lens cone is reversable to fit inside the helicoid backwards for focusing to infinity with lenses of approximately 80mm FL.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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John 19-Aug-2009 08:53
Hi Pete!

I find your modded Vivitar converter very interesting. I've actually attempted to remove the optics from this converter but I only managed to remove the rear element. Any tips on how to get the rest out? I have the Nikon version of this converter and intend to use it as a variable extension tube with my F-mount lenses. I want to retain the aperture lever etc and only remove the optics.

Thank you!

John, Sweden