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Philip Gammon | profile | all galleries >> Nova Scotia and PEI - August 2019 >> Peggy's Cove tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Peggy's Cove

One of day trips from Halifax was to visit Peggy's Cove

We were a bit surprised at the size of the site
It's a lot more than just the lighthouse you always see in pictures

We also stopped for lunch at a nice small restaurant with the best lobster we experienced anywhere

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Peggy's Cove warning
Peggy's Cove warning
Peggy's Cove bagpiper greeting
Peggy's Cove bagpiper greeting
Peggy's Cove lighthouse
Peggy's Cove lighthouse
Peggy's Cove
Peggy's Cove
Peggy's Cove lighthouse
Peggy's Cove lighthouse
Peggy's Cove
Peggy's Cove
Peggy's Cove lighthouse reflection
Peggy's Cove lighthouse reflection
Nikki at Peggy's Cove
Nikki at Peggy's Cove
Peggy's Cove
Peggy's Cove
Phil at Peggy's Cove
Phil at Peggy's Cove
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