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Pascal Fauchard | profile | all galleries >> Espagne - Spain >> Cordoba tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Voici avec Barcelone et Séville ma ville préférée.
Elle est de taille humaine.
La vieille ville regorge de petites ruelles (ou il n'est pas recommandé de circuler en voiture).
Et puis il y a la cathédrale qui fut auparavant une mosquée.
Les jardins de l'alcazar sont très beaux et reposants.
Cordoba  More pictures from Cordoba here _MG_0766.jpg _MG_0780.jpg
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Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century
Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century
Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba  More pictures from Cordoba here
Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century
Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba  More pictures from Cordoba here Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century
Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century
Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century
Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century
Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century
Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century
Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century Great mosque of Cordoba who became a cathedral in the 13 century