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Glorious Sunrises

As if it isn't enough of a blessing to be able to watch the wonderful sunsets from our back porch, from the front porch we view these incredible sunrises! What a way to get the day off to a beautiful start.

The photos in brackets < > are sub-galleries. Click on the photo to open the gallery. Otherwise, click on any photo to enlarge it. Thanks.
Sunrise, September 11, 2006
< Sunrise, September 11, 2006 >
Sunrise, February 16, 2005
< Sunrise, February 16, 2005 >
Sunrise, November 28, 2004
< Sunrise, November 28, 2004 >
Sunrise, October 24, 2005 02/16/05 02/15/05 02/09/05
01/23/05 01/23/05 12/8/04 12/23/04
11/24/04 11/28/04 Flaming Dawn Dawn's Rays
Agarita Silhouette u38/petesie/medium/32118943.MorningGlory.jpg DSCN0384.jpg Jan. 03.jpg Sunrise 1 Feb. 11 2003 Skyline Ranch Estates.jpg 1.jpg
DSCN0627.jpg Feb. 03 1.jpg DSCN0629.jpg Feb. 03 2.jpg DSCN0630.jpg Feb. 03 3.jpg DSCN0631.jpg Feb. 03 4.jpg
DSCN0634.jpg Feb. 03 5.jpg DSCN0637.jpg Feb. 03 6.jpg April 10 Sunrise 2003.jpg September 27, 2003
DSCN6372.jpg Dec. 03.jpg March 6. 2004 Another view of March 6 Sunrise August  Sunrise 2003.jpg
June 12 2004 DSCN0506 DSCN0510 A month of Skyline sunrises
< A month of Skyline sunrises >