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Peter Sussex | all galleries >> Galleries >> Prague > sunday 10 am
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sunday 10 am

Nikon D40
1/125s f/5.6 at 55.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
J S Quesada01-Jun-2012 12:51
Very nice perspective and great vivid colors. V
Lieve Snellings17-Aug-2011 16:44
it seems a street of light and colors, what a fantastic mood ! V
Alain Dejeans10-Feb-2010 13:30
Lovely composition, colors, lighting and atmosphere! V
Kim13-Jun-2009 17:45
Great city mood and great colors, V
poetry66604-Jun-2009 23:47
Lovely street scene with the pastel coloured houses and shops with all their charcter.BV!
Guest 19-Jul-2008 17:06
Lovely street capture, V
PauloCGama19-Jul-2008 00:22
again, very nicely composed!! excellent mood. v
shatterbug18-Jul-2008 20:19
Very good composition and all the vertical lines!
globalgadabout18-Jul-2008 13:19
engaging POV captures a lot of detail in this rich street scene....V
Michal Leszczynski18-Jul-2008 05:39
Beautiful photo, great composition, excellent work. V.
H2M17-Jul-2008 18:13
Great atmosphere and colors. V!
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte16-Jul-2008 21:27
this is wonderful! A beautiful composition, wonderful colours and light.

Steve Morris16-Jul-2008 19:03
Love the perspective here and the colours are so rich!! BV
Apostolos Tikopoulos15-Jul-2008 19:55
Great colours and composition. V.
an nguyen14-Jul-2008 16:35
Beautiful cobble stone sidewalk. I would love to visit again Prague. V
Giancarlo Guzzardi14-Jul-2008 08:09
I like the perspective escape on right
Phil Stubbs14-Jul-2008 06:29
Lovely hues to this Peter, very nice work

FrankB14-Jul-2008 03:28
beautiful picturesque street......would love to visit...someday...V
Valene14-Jul-2008 01:43
Wonderful image. Very colorful! V
Walter Otto Koenig13-Jul-2008 23:43
Excellent perspective. Love all the details, colors and textures. "V"
endre novak13-Jul-2008 21:26
nice pov, great details.
settler13-Jul-2008 18:38
Lovely composition and atmosphere...V!!
Máire Uí Mhaicín13-Jul-2008 18:20
Beautiful light and detail. Your images make me want to see Prague in person.
Paco López13-Jul-2008 18:16
Great compo!!!! My vote!!
Milan Vogrin13-Jul-2008 18:13
Very colourful!
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