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Arnie Peterschmidt | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> whale_watching_2018 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Rugged shore of Cyprus Island
Rugged shore of Cyprus Island
Hanging out on the kelp bed
Hanging out on the kelp bed
Male Orca
Male Orca
Another wildlife charter
Another wildlife charter
Orca pod T-124
Orca pod T-124
Gulls at marker 9
Gulls at marker 9
Harbor Seals
Harbor Seals
Harbor Seal
Harbor Seal
Passing kayaks
Passing kayaks
Boat traffic
Boat traffic
Heading under Deception Pass Bridge
Heading under Deception Pass Bridge
Explosive breath
Explosive breath
Big exhale
Big exhale
T-65A Pod
T-65A Pod
T-65A Pod
T-65A Pod
T-65A Pod
T-65A Pod
T-65A Pod
T-65A Pod
T-65A Pod
T-65A Pod
Big dorsal fin
Big dorsal fin
T-124 Spy Hop
T-124 Spy Hop
Blood in the Water
Blood in the Water
Dinner time
Dinner time
Another Spy-hop
Another Spy-hop