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Arnie Peterschmidt | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Silver Creek Falls tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Silver Creek Falls

Oregon's Silver Falls State Park. Silver Creek and tributaries go over numerous spectacular falls in the park. The trails are easy and well maintained. Several of the falls are close to the main parking area. Be ready for mud and mist when Silver Creek is full.
Silver Creek Falls
Silver Creek Falls
Crashing onto the Rocks
Crashing onto the Rocks
Tumbling Down
Tumbling Down
Falls Close-up
Falls Close-up
Cascade into the Pool
Cascade into the Pool
Silver Creek Falls
Silver Creek Falls
Ferns and Moss
Ferns and Moss
Bridge for the Brave and Agile
Bridge for the Brave and Agile
Free Falling Water
Free Falling Water
Silver Creek Falls
Silver Creek Falls
Silver Creek Falls
Silver Creek Falls
Rushing Creek
Rushing Creek
Silver Creek Falls
Silver Creek Falls