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Arnie Peterschmidt | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Whale Watching Trip tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Whale Watching Trip

Took a whale watching charter out of Friday Harbor a couple of times this summer. Killer Whales are very impressive animals, large, sleek, swift, playful and not shy in front of an audience. These orcas are members of K-Pod, part of the Southern Resident group that frequent inland waters in Washington. These photos were taken near the U.S. - Canada border at the northwest part of the San Juan archipelago.
Turn Point
Turn Point
Inverted tail-slap
Inverted tail-slap
Cruising by a charter boat
Cruising by a charter boat
Scoter - K25
Scoter - K25
Four in a row
Four in a row
Scoter and Cali
Scoter and Cali
Scoter tail slapping
Scoter tail slapping
Humpback Whale
Humpback Whale
Whale tail
Whale tail
de Havilland Beaver
de Havilland Beaver
MV Yakima
MV Yakima
whale watchers
whale watchers