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Arnie Peterschmidt | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Fort Casey tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Fort Casey

Fort Casey was one of three similar gun emplacements built at the turn of the 20th Century to guard the entrance to Puget Sound. The gun battery is recessed below the crest of a high bluff overlooking Admiralty Inlet. The 10-inch cannons were mounted on a carriage system that allowed them to rise up to fire and, using recoil energy, drop down out of the line of fire for reloading.

I visited early on a foggy morning which provided an atmosphere that conveys the era and mood of the installation.
Gun # 1
Gun # 1
Towers and walkways
Towers and walkways
Observation Tower
Observation Tower
Main Cat-walk
Main Cat-walk
James Moore Battery
James Moore Battery
Pass the Ammunition
Pass the Ammunition
Gun #2
Gun #2
Magazine Passageway
Magazine Passageway
Main walk
Main walk
Multi Level Stairs
Multi Level Stairs
Main Walk
Main Walk
#1 Gun Deck
#1 Gun Deck
Gun #2
Gun #2
Fort Casey Panorama
Fort Casey Panorama