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Seaside 2014

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My first 4th of July
My first 4th of July
Red, White and Cute
Red, White and Cute
Waiting for the parade
Waiting for the parade
Showoff cop
Showoff cop
An extra chromosome in red, white and blue
An extra chromosome in red, white and blue
Coastal senior living
Coastal senior living
Not scared at all
Not scared at all
John Deer
John Deer
Evie with clown nose
Evie with clown nose
Zach and Megan
Zach and Megan
Spokane Family
Spokane Family
Premonitions of ultimate Victory!
Premonitions of ultimate Victory!
Kayla and financee
Kayla and financee
Helping to focus the camera
Helping to focus the camera
Cousins 1
Cousins 1
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